Today I want to share with you my top five ‘lessons learned’, when it comes to frustration, and I hope they give you strength and encouragement, as well as some ‘food for thought’.

Every frustration you have had is because of a lack of rules, scepticism, and discipline.

I have experienced what feels like a million and one frustrations, and as I started to think about each one, whether it was the piling up of laundry, tech problems or getting my tax sorted; they all have something in common. I had no rules, no discipline and/or held scepticism about the solution, and this ultimately led to frustration.

If you stick to the story you have been telling yourself, you will not find the truth and therefore won’t be able to make necessary corrections.

For example, I found it a lot easier at the beginning of the lockdown to think I deserved a glass of wine because the situation was tough, or to say that I didn’t have to get up early, because there was nothing to rush for. Inevitably late nights crept in and before I knew it, so did a low mood and lower productivity. It’s only in the moment that I told myself that what I do now will create the results that I want in the future, that I was able to turn my destructive behaviour around.

Not all progress is measured by wins, sometimes progress can be measured by losses avoided.

I have a lot to be grateful for, but it is sometimes in my nature to always want more, more progress, more wins, more trophies. This year alone, the lockdown taught me patience and appreciation for what I have been able to keep. So many people have written to me about their situations and what they have lost this year, and that has taught me the value of appreciation and preparation.

You cannot win the game by playing offence only. Defence is necessary – think about protection, prevention and risks.

Similarly to the above lesson, I have learned that I need to focus on what I have and the best method of preservation is to up my game. I have committed to showing up at 150% for my clients, my team and for myself. That way I limit the risks and protect my confidence in the process

Procrastination magnifies problems.

There have been many problems and issues in my life that I have pushed aside in favour of ‘work’ and lockdown has brought them to the fore, but bigger. Had I dealt with things sooner, that wouldn’t be the case. I have now learned to take action in time, to do the hairy, scary stuff and to do it well. I just wish it hadn’t taken a bad outcome for me to realise this.

We only grow from our shortcomings; if we can learn from them, and change how we respond, we’re far less likely to become frustrated and far more likely to succeed.

Are you learning from your current situation?

I’d love to know what some of your greatest learnings have been.